Monday, July 20, 2009

Case Number 07202009 Elves of the North Pole v. Red Rocket

Case Number: 07202009

Elves of the North Pole v. Red Rocket

Charge: Murder of Santa Claus Dog Toy

State charges that on or about July 20, 2009 one Red Rocket, dachshund, did willfully and intentionally unstuff and destroy a treasured relic of Christmas past, one Santa Claus dog toy. State further notes that the said defendant, Red Rocket, was caught red-pawed in the act and was immediately sentenced to confiscation of fluff.


  1. I read the article about Red Rocket in the Eagle when he was in search of a new home. So glad he found you & your family. It's great reading about his adventures....... thanks for sharing Red Rocket with us.

  2. Oh Red Rocket. I don't know. You might have been framed... My advice is to deny, deny, deny. And whatever happens, I'd still bring you carob-coated doggy bones--even in doggy detention.
