Monday, April 30, 2012

Grow Old Along with Me, The Best Is Yet to Be

I didn't think it would happen.  I thought Hank was too wild and playful and, well, clueless.  I assumed Sophie would become exasperated and resign herself to an old age absent of the ritual that defined her daily life for nine years: the patient and meticulous grooming of a labrador retriever's head and ears.  But I was too cynical or lacked faith or mourned Emma too deeply myself.  At long last realization has dawned and Hank has learned that Sophie's ministrations are not invitations to engage in a wrestling match but are moments to be still and quiet and accept the gentle motherly love of a feline.  And Hank's acceptance of the ritual has created a togetherness that is expressed even outside the act of daily grooming.

Love and Tornado

As Red Rocket Report fans from Wichita know, we had a tornado come through here several weeks ago.  It was a scary experience as the twister passed within a mile of our house and there were some bleak moments when we thought we would be hit.  We have a pet disaster plan and the dogs and cats were kenneled in the basement laundry room with us.  When the tornado sirens go off in Wichita, Edward's usual first response is to yell, "Where's my Pooh Bear!?!"  I recount this story to convey how much Edward loves Hank: only a child who has deeply bonded with his dog would tuck Pooh Bear in next to the canine for his afternoon nap...