Red Rocket is an adorable dachshund who was hit by a car, lost his left front leg, and was abandoned by his owner. He was taken to Heartland Animal Hospital where the hospital staff ministered to his needs with the help of monies from the Magnum Fund. PALS Animal Rescue was charged with screening prospective adoptive families and we applied to welcome him into our home. He's ours now and we're blogging to share his continued adventures!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Red Rocket loves to initiate wrestling matches with Maggie and he playfully chest bumps her and nips at her ears to get a response. These head-to-heads are short lived as Emma usually intervenes as if to say, "no roughhousing!"
Too funny- my older dachshund does the same thing if my 2 PALS doxies play too rough!